“Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand”. 2Co 1:24
“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” Eph 4:15.
“If you are serious about learning the Word and believe salvation is a free gift, that we do nothing to earn it, as it is all God’s work, and if you want to understand and rely on that alone – this is the church for you. We teach you from the Word to rely on the Lord Himself, His Word, to clearly understand the Bible and not rely on any organisation. If you want your questions answered, and are serious about God, then Grace Now Bible Church is for you. We don’t want your money, the greatest gift you can give us is to have the joy of seeing you grow in the knowledge of the Lord to share his great unconditional love with others.” Dylan Schnetler – Trustee.
Grace Now Ministries was established by a group of Bible believers in South Africa, who found great clarity and joy in studying the Bible rightly divided as taught by and from the very early days of the Apostle Paul’s calling in Antioch, recorded in Acts 9.
Upon coming into contact with the Grace School of the Bible/USA and the glorious way the Bible is taught for maximum understanding and clarity, a burning desire to facilitate this program of teaching to South Africa was a certain conviction. These believers from Grace Now Bible church – a non-denominational, non-religious, Bible based fellowship for all who are serious about the Will of God for their lives and understanding His Word.
The Apostle Paul declares that he was the messenger, the minister, saved and called as the Apostle to the Gentiles by the Risen Christ to declare this message of what had been accomplished by the Cross-work of the Lord Jesus dying for our sins. The Apostle Paul makes clear that his instructions in his epistles are directly from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Understanding the distinct Gospel of Grace dispels all perceived confusion and so called contradictions that have caused so many schisms in the Christian denominations, and disillusionment to many who love the Lord and wish to live by His Word, and have the Lord Jesus Christ live through their lives. Sound doctrine and an intelligent understanding of the Word restores people to the security and joy of living for Christ Jesus. The truth liberates the soul from bondage of fear, guilt, religious works and performance based acceptance. The gospel of God’s Grace is the greatest motivator for any Christian to be effective and fruitful in their lives, through His Word working effectually in the believer. The joy is indescribable, the full purpose of life as a member of the Body of Christ and the blessed hope that is assured in this life and the next is what the Lord Jesus came to bring to lost souls in this world. Just believe and trust exclusively in what He did for us to be made righteous with God.
Sunday Services 8:45am.
- Bible study and fellowship services in Main Hall.
- Little Ones – 2 – 6 years in Kiddies Room
- 7 Up 7-12 years in Classroom 1
- Teens – 13-16 years in Classroom 2 (in main church).
Bible Studies during the week:
- Rowallan Park 7pm Wednesday evenings.
- GNBC Hall, Walmer. 7pm Thursday evenings.
Grace School of the Bible lectures:
- GNBC Hall. 6pm Monday evenings.
Special services on request:
- Weddings
- Dedications
- Funerals
- Relationship and life counselling.
Motherwell Ministry.
Seminars & Conferences – See Event Dates and details.
Contact us for more information! Grow in Grace and knowledge of the true Word of God!
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